

Last week I received a kind rejection letter, likely the first of many. It read, "Although we will not be publishing your essay, we wanted you to know that we found much to appreciate in it. Several staff members mentioned the beauty of the language as well as the apt and colorful descriptions of landscape. I thought the last collection, the tops-of-trees items, was a very poignant one - a great end to an essay that shows how collections reveal the collector's life. Please do try us again." While I was grateful for the compliments, I also would have liked some constructive criticism and more input as to why they were not publishing it. Perhaps, as my husband said, it just didn't fit in with the other essays they'd already selected, or perhaps it was too similar to ones they already had. Or perhaps they were looking for something entirely different. At any rate, it was nice to at least hear back from them! The little writing I've done has taught me that writing is so much like visual or musical art - a continual process of working toward balance and good design, a strong composition, tweaking fine points.
Speaking of rejection, Frederica Mathewes-Green recently published this essay on consumerism. I found the last half particularly useful. It also made me feel a bit better about my mind-numbing hours of sewing lately, although it also confirmed the emotions I've had while shopping too much as of late as well. Do you have any good resources for overcoming the consumeristic drive?
Photos: Our Bradford pear in winter, my sweet potato vine (part of 100 Leaves Project) the day before the frost got it this week.


ELK said...

have I been in outer space ~I did not know you were a photographer AND a writer...keep at it and it will happen if it is meant to be.

thanks for the link ...the "born to shop" reference is so true.

Anonymous said...

Wow...it seems like the staff must've really liked your essay to have provided such detailed complimentary feedback. Your husband must be right about it just not fitting. You are brave to just send it out there!

elizabeth said...

I agree!! keep trying! I would love to read your work!!! :)

beautiful photos.

thanks for the link; Mat. FMG perspective is so important. i really appreciate reading her essay. thank you.

would love to see your more of your sewing work too!

Cindy said...

As a writer, I also know the frustration of the rejection letter! I tell myself that every "no" gets me closer to the "yes" and it usually does.

As for resources on consumerism, I don't have a book or anything to recommend but I just know for myself, it is a symptom of other things like discontent. One thing I am focusing on lately is to be content with what I have and not buy anything for a while. I've made myself wait at least 2 days before purchasing something and am finding that I end up not wanting it after all. And I'm avoiding Amazon since books are my weakness! lol

Pres. Kathy said...

The pictures are beautiful. Keep on writing! Share your thoughts with the world!

Mimi said...

That is a very lovely rejection letter (who would have ever though I'd type THAT sentence)

Martha said...

I recently read "The Wednesday Sisters," in which 5 women write together and only 2 get published after a myriad of submissions. Keep on trying, it might be the 50th time before they decide to publish you!

Anonymous said...

Hi there stranger
The little flowers appear to be snowdrops, they are lovely as are your photographs, I wish you a speedy recovery. xxx

Anonymous said...

Awww, well it's THEIR loss! At least that is what I keep telling myself as the "rejection" letters are hitting my mailbox too.

You and me babe, we'll publish/show our own brilliant work, yes?!